#ThanksToYFC young people all over England have the opportunity to meet like-minded people in the same boat as them!
YFC is so important to young people in the rural community. Sometimes it can be hard for young people from farming backgrounds to find the time to get out and meet new people. Young Farmers brings all of these people together who might not have met each other otherwise and allows them to make great connections and lifelong friends. In rural communities there often isn’t much available for young people and that's where YFC comes in. It provides a place for them to relax, have fun and see their friends on a weekly basis.
There are so many social opportunities for young farmers from weekly meetings to the AGM held in Blackpool or Torquay each year attended by over 6000 of us. Young Farmers gives you the opportunity to try new things with a great bunch of people. Just this year, my club has been skiing, bouldering, bowling and loads more on top of our weekly meetings. You can always rely on young farmers if you’re looking for something to do or somewhere to go... There’s almost always a party or doo on the weekend and then there’s rally and other events throughout the year to attend.
AGM is the biggest event in the calendar, where over 6000 young farmers from all over England head down to the biggest Young Farmers convention for a weekend of socializing, competition and partying. It’s a chance for them to let their hair down and have a break from such a hectic lifestyle.
The NFYFC motto is ‚Fun, Learning, and Achievement‘ and that sums up perfectly what the club is all about... We like to kick back and have fun, but at the same time, it's great to learn new skills and see where it can take you.
If you want to find out what NFYFC can do for you, and where you can go with young farmers, you can check out their website here and get more information. I hope you enjoyed my week of posts celebrating #NationalYoungFarmersWeek and that it has inspired some of you to go sign up to your local clubs!