May 2018 - Woes of Wellies

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Worcestershire Young Farmers County Rally 2018 - #TrueYFC

This weekend Worcestershire Young Farmers held our annual county rally just outside Upton on Severn and as always it was a jam-packed day!

With my A-Levels looming I decided not to take too much on this year so just opted for the Intermediate Cookery and Photography, and got roped into Intermediate Cake Decorating just a few days before the show. Along with a few nights spent helping to get the main exhibit together, this was a fairly light load compared to some years that I spent welding and making countless crafts in preparation for rally.

The theme for rally this year was Magic & Mystery, this inspired a Narnia themed rally box, a witchy cookery display, an attempt at illusion photography and a questionable unicorn cake.

Being one of the smaller clubs in the county, we find ourselves taking on multiple competitions and giving things a go that we aren’t necessarily well practised in. This is how I ended up producing the disaster unicorn cake. It was going badly from the beginning so when the icing colours started to merge together I knew that I needed to throw some sparkle on and call it a day! You can still sort of tell what it’s supposed to be, but it definitely wasn’t my finest performance.

The cookery was what I was most looking forward to competing in, I am now an intermediate member so I am competing with older members now which means there is a bit more pressure. I made a toffee apple inspired stack of pancakes - serving them with an apple compote and salted caramel sauce. I was thrilled to be placed 1st this year - and whilst using 100% British ingredients I was able to talk to the judges about my role as an ambassador for Love British Food!

Rally was a great day all in all with some fantastic results for my club - we were even awarded the title of the most improved club in the county which was a really fantastic achievement for us…

Bring on Rally 2019!