Sunday 4 September 2016

YFC Ploughing Match

Today was my young farmers club’s ploughing match. I volunteered to help so I and my parents turned up at 9:30 ready to work. Right from the get-go we were cooking up bacon and selling bacon baps to hungry farmers. I was on tea duty and apparently I don’t put enough milk in the tea! Ooops!

We had 38 entries in total over multiple categories including reverse, classics and horses! It was so interesting to see how all of the ploughmen worked up and down their patch and how straight and neat they could get it.
The horses were amazing to watch. They were so powerful and so precise for such massive animals! The teams were so skilled and I loved seeing them work with the horses to produce a beautifully ploughed plot of land.

We have definitely come a long way from the horses though, with the newer tractors being able to plough in reverse so you don’t even have to turn the tractor around! Although I did like watching this too...

Then inbetween the two there were the classic tractors like the lovely grey fergies and old masseys. These were brilliant to watch, and hear, and lots of them were restored and looked incredible.

Two guys from my club were competing in the reverse ploughing category and they came 1st and 2nd so they did great!

I didn’t have a go but I did get a sit on two very different Massey Fergusons! This one came first in a few categories...

And this one came with a free dog! *not really but I wanted to keep it.

We had a great time and proved that #yfcdoitbest!


  1. Brent's uncle in Manning has one of those old Ford 9N's that he restored and now uses, they have been around for a long time and are very popular now with acreage owners.

    1. Cool! Next time we come to Canada I definitely want to go check out the farms!
