Worcestershire Young Farmers County Rally 2017 - #FabulousYoungFarmers - Woes of Wellies

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Worcestershire Young Farmers County Rally 2017 - #FabulousYoungFarmers

On Saturday, Worcestershire Young Farmers held our 69th annual county rally in Inkberrow. This year was my third rally since joining Young Farmers in 2015 and my last year competing as a junior as I turn 18 this year and will be moving into the intermediate age category… Rally is always great fun and brings lots of new challenges each year. 

This year I took on the Junior Cookery, as this has become a bit of a tradition for me now! The brief this year was a dessert to the theme ‘Around the World’. I ended up doing a selection of 3 desserts: a S’Mores Pie, a Tiramisu and a Berry Samosa. It was a real challenge to make all 3 in the time frame but I managed it in the end, and I think they proved popular with the judges as I managed to come first this year! This was a real surprise and a delight as I have come second for the last two years, it was great to finish competing as a junior on a high…

I also entered the photography competition this year and produced an A3 presentation board to the theme ‘Great Britain in 3 Photographs’... I hadn’t done the photography competition in the past couple of years so it was a new one for me, nevertheless, somehow I managed to come first in this too! 

I did a couple on the day competitions, one was to dress up another girl from my club as Adam Henson from Countryfile using recycled farm materials… In true young farmers style, this resulted in a quick trip to my yard on the morning of the competition (which was luckily only 5 minutes from the rally venue!) to pick up some feed bags and bailing twine to fashion an outfit out of. I don’t think that we really captured the true spirit of Adam Henson, but a gilet made out of an Allen & Page Calm and Condition bag and a skirt made out of a Spillers Happy Hoof bag was the best we could do in the time limit! There’s nothing like a young farmers’ competition to provide some quality entertainment! 

Wythall had some fabulous entries in the craft, bake off, cookery, needlework, floristry, woodwork and loads more… Our ladies tug of war team put up a good fight in the afternoon and our soapbox looked brilliant! 

There was some really stiff competition on the day, the Tug of War was particularly fierce this year with the Tenbury and Bromsgrove Ladies’ teams standing out as well as the Upton Men’s team - they’re like a machine! 
Well done to everyone who competed at Rally on Saturday, we really showcased Young Farmers and all we can do! Big congratulations to Upton Young Farmers - very well deserved winners of Rally 2017… Roll on next year’s competitions! 

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