Saying Goodbye to the Defender: The End of an Era - Woes of Wellies

Friday, 29 January 2016

Saying Goodbye to the Defender: The End of an Era

The Countryside loved it. The Queen Loved it. Even James Bond loved it. There is no doubt that the Land Rover Defender has been one of the most iconic and quintessentially British cars, definitely in my lifetime, and that there are many people across the country who will be sad to see it go today.

If you have caught some of the news from today’s farewell, you will have seen that it had quite the send off, and many would argue that is well deserved. The Defender has been around for 67 years now and it has served many people as much more than just a car. Among the fleet of over 2 million of the cars there have been military vehicles for the army, navy and air force; fire, coastguard and mountain rescue vehicles and also, probably the most common use: their widespread use in the British countryside as portable hay sheds, tack rooms and sometimes unintentional menageries.    

So whether you own an incredible modified 90 or a classic Series 1, I would love to see some of your fondest Defender memories, so if you would like to email or tweet them to me my links are:
·         woesofwellies@gmail.com

·         @woesofwellies

* all opinions are my own
** images sourced from here and here 


  1. These will no doubt become collectable and live on as do many vintage automobiles. Sadly I have never even had a ride in one.
