Saturday we drove out to follow the Croome, as we usually do. It was a
particularly cold day so I dressed in lots of layers! We met at the venue and
were provided with delicious refreshments. Chocolate brownies never go a miss
in my books, even at 10 in the morning! We listened to the huntmasters speech
and watched (and took photos!) as they took off cross-country. From there we
followed for about half an hour before stopping for a quick tea break. Why does
tea always taste better from a flask in the countryside? My Aunty had brought
some bacon turnovers and sausage rolls from her local bakery so that kept us
going for a while but we eventually got cold and decided to head back to the
yard to check on the goats and horses, and to muck out.
When we were just about
to leave the yard, we heard some hound music. We were too far from Croome so it
couldn’t be them, we guessed it had to be the Worcestershire as they tend to
hunt nearer our yard. After standing in the field and trying to get a glimpse
of them we decided to head back home, taking a slightly scenic route to try to
find the field. We took a couple turns down small roads and came across a
shoot, we figured they wouldn’t hunt too near them so turned back around and
headed the other way. We turned down a small road to find lots of cars stopped
and parked on the side, a tell-tale sign. So we pulled over and walked down the
hill until we came across the field. They were a very friendly hunt and we got
some nice photos. They were taking off cross-country so we grabbed the gate for
them, one of the ladies was very greatful as she appeared to be on gate duty
and didn’t realise how many there would be. She seemed very pleased not to have
to hop off and back on again. Overall it was a great day with some bonus
Sounds like it was a fun day chasing about the country.