Why You Should Join the National Federation of Young Farmers - Woes of Wellies

Friday, 15 January 2016

Why You Should Join the National Federation of Young Farmers

As I have been a Young Farmer for just over a year now I thought I would share some of my thoughts about the organisation and give you my top 7 reasons why you should join the National Federation of Young Farmers.

1.    You make new friends- I have been a member for just over a year and I have already made some great friends within my club. All the people in my club are so nice and welcoming to new members and you really will make friends to last a lifetime.

2.    You meet people from all backgrounds- Yes a lot of Young Farmers are livestock or arable farmers, but you also meet midwifes, tree surgeons, nurses, students etc. Anyone can be a Young Farmer, so don’t think that just because you’re not a farmer you can’t be a young farmer!

3.    You learn new things- I have recently been to an evening where I learnt about Stockjudging, it is something I would have never thought of doing before Young Farmers, but I am already thinking of having a go this year at county rally.

4.    You try new things- Last year I got involved in the cookery competitons with Young Farmers, I wouldn’t have done this without the organisation and I enjoyed it so much I want to do it again this year.

5.    You achieve things you might not otherwise- When I competed in the junior cookery at my country rally last year I never thought I would place, let alone place 2nd and then end up going on to compete at the Royal Three Counties Show and place 2nd there again.

6.    You get involved with charity- Its always nice to give something back and with Young Farmers you will plan and execute charity events as a club, its a great experience and its fun too.

7.    You can travel to amazing places- I haven’t gone travelling with YFC yet but there are some great experiences from AGM in Blackpool or Torquay to Skiing trips and Canadian Exchanges.

If you are aged 10-26, live in the UK and think you might be interested in becoming a Young Farmer. You can find information at http://www.nfyfc.org.uk 


  1. I married into farming so I didn't join anything like this. It looks amazing though and I will be encouraging my children to join. I just wish they did something similar for adults to meet fellow-minded people

    1. It's a brilliant organisation, I don't come from an agricultural background either (just horses) but I love it! You get such great experiences from it.

  2. Young Farmers is a brilliant organisation and I commend all the effort that the members put forth ... They certainly have a lot of fun, and I am so glad that you found such a great bunch of friends.
